When setting up some third-party services, such as Google Services, it is required to pass verification for a domain/website using DNS
For clients of Shared Hosting (any plan). If you are using a previously registered domain, then you need to change the DNS – NameServers (NS records) records in domain registry (for example, nic.lv, goddady.com, joker.com, etc.) to following
As a GARMTECH user, it is important to be aware that our web hosting servers (including classic hosting, ASP.NET hosting, and WordPress hosting packages) no longer support unsecure email protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and SMTP
If you have a hosting account with GARMTECH and you are using My.GARMTECH to manage your account, it is easy to login to your hosting account from your My.GARMTECH account without having to enter your login and password
If you have migrated your WordPress website to GARMTECH hosting, we strongly recommend that you install and enable the LSCache plugin. LSCache is a powerful caching plugin that can significantly improve the performance and speed of your website.
LSCache is a powerful caching plugin for WordPress that helps to speed up website performance by storing commonly accessed data in cache, so that it can be quickly retrieved the next time it is needed.
If you have a hosting account with GARMTECH it is easy to change the password for an email address. This can be useful if you want to increase the security of your email account or if you have forgotten the current password.
Website hosting is a crucial aspect of creating a website. It is the service that allows you to make your website accessible to the world wide web. Without website hosting, your website will not be accessible to anyone on the internet.
If you have a hosting account with GARMTECH it is easy to add additional email addresses. This can be useful if you want to create separate email addresses for different purposes e.g. info@yourdomain.com, sales@yourdomain.com
If you are using My.GARMTECH to manage your hosting account, it is easy to upgrade your hosting plan to a larger one