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If you want to switch the mail service from hosting to an external mail service, for example, Gmail (GSuite/Google Workspace),, Yahoo Mail, Yandex or other, you need to follow a few simple steps.
When setting up some third-party services, such as Google Services, it is required to pass verification for a domain/website using DNS
For clients of Shared Hosting (any plan). If you are using a previously registered domain, then you need to change the DNS – NameServers (NS records) records in domain registry (for example,,,, etc.) to following
Starting from 1 January 2023, GARMTECH web hosting will no longer support unsecure FTP connections. Instead, they will only support secure FTPS connections.
As a GARMTECH user, it is important to be aware that our web hosting servers (including classic hosting, ASP.NET hosting, and WordPress hosting packages) no longer support unsecure email protocols such as POP3, IMAP, and SMTP